Dr. D.Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi Agriculture Polytechnic

Dr. D.Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi Agriculture Polytechnic (2009)

2 Year Diploma in Agriculture - Dr. D.Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi Agriculture Polytechnic (2009) :

Based on the experience and success in Vocational Training in Agriculture, the Management of Vignana Jyothi has decided to start a private 2 year Diploma in Agriculture which also helps rural poor youth. Accordingly necessary steps were taken and permission to start the Agricultural Polytechnic with affiliation to Acharya N.G. Ranga Agriculture University was obtained during August, 2009, with 60 seats and thus the institute has become the first private Agricultural Polytechnic in the undivided A.P.

The institute has got the distinction of conducting Participatory Agriculture Management Programme (PAMP) as a part of academic programme for the Diploma, most effectively during the first year of introduction by ANGRAU in 2010 and the 50% of the net profit realized (Rs. 30,601/-) was distributed to the students @ Rs. 990/student through the hands of Mr. Suresh Kumar, the District Collector, Medak (Dt) for the First batch (2009-2011). Even for the II batch (2010-2012) the PAMP was conducted most effectively and 50% net profit (Rs. 64,691/-) realized was distributed to the students @ Rs. 1115/student though the hands of Dr. T. Yellamanda Reddy, the Dean of Agriculture, ANGRAU. The III batch have also completed PAMP very effectively and the 50 % of net profit (Rs 70486) realized was distributed to the students @ Rs. 1170/student through the hands of Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dr. A. Padma Raju and Padmabhushan & Dada Saheb Phalkee Awardee Dr. D. Rama Naidu. The fourth batch have also completed PAMP very effectively and 50% net profit (Rs 88,155/-) realized was distributed @ Rs 820 /student. The institute has received wide appreciation and stood as a model for other polytechnic institutes under PJTSAU in conducting PAMP most effectively.

Among the first ten batches 2009-11 to 2018-2020 who have successfully completed their diploma programmes, a total of 557 students have passed out with 479 in I class (86% ) in the two year programme of Diploma in Agriculture since 2009.

Course Work

S.No Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
I year I semester
1 DA-101 Principles of Agronomy 4 (3+1)
2 DA-121 Soil Chemistry and Fertility 3 (2+1)
3 DA-131 Principles of Entomology and Productive Entomology 4 (3+1)
4 DA-151 Farm Power and Machinery 4 (2+2)
Total credit hours 15 (10+5)
I year II semester
1 DA-102 Crop Production-I 3 (2+1)
2 DA-111 Basic Principles Of Plant Breeding, Seed Production, Certification And Testing 4 (3+1)
3 DA-122 Manures and Fertilizers 3 (2+1)
4 DA-132 Pests of Crops and Their Management 4 (3+1)
5 DA-171 Principles of Plant Pathology, Diseases of Crops and Their Management 4 (3+1)
Total credit hours 18 (13+5)
II year I semester
1 DA-201 Crop Production-II 3 (2+1)
2 DA-252 Land Surveying Soil and Water Engineering and Green House Technology 3 (2+1)
3 DA-200 PAMP(Participatory Agricultural Management Programme) 12 (0+12)
Total credit hours 18 (4+14)
II year II semester
1 DA-241 Farm Management, Agri.Co-operation and Finance and Marketing 4 (3+1)
2 DA-262 Introduction to Computers 1 (0+1)
3 DA-263 Communication skills in English 1 (0+1)
4 DA-281 Forestry, Medicinal plants & Aromatic crops 4 (2+2)
5 DA-282 Horticultural crops and their management 4 (3+1)
6 DA-291 Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 3 (2+1)
Total credit hours 16 (10+6)
Grand Total credit hours 67 (10+6)

Placements -

Among the 557 Diploma holders, successfully completed in the first ninebatches, About 200 students have joined in the Department of Agriculture as Agricultural Extenstion Officers, about 80 are prosecuting B.Sc (Ag) degree programme and many have got placements in Agribased industries while a few have taken up own farming. The feedback from the organizations where our trainees / students are working is very much encouraging and all the organizations have expressed that our students / trainees are providing better service compared to the students / trainees from similar other organizations. With regard to the placement of the last batch during the period under report data is not available.