Bayer Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi School of Agriculture

Bayer Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi School of Agriculture (2007)

6 Months Vocational Training in Agriculture - Bayer RVJ School of Agriculture(2007) :

The institute has started giving three months "Vocational Training in Agriculture" in 2005. The Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of undivided Andhra Pradesh has recognized the institute as a Vocational Training Center in Agriculture, The institute has recruited excellent staff with rich experience as well as highly qualified resource persons to handle different courses. The training is totally free and the trainees are provided with free accommodation & food, certain literature including Vyavasaya Panchangam, note books, pens, pencils, a pair of field dress, a T-shirt & cap and also cots, buckets, mugs ,plates and glasses in the hostel free of cost.

During the period of training Dr. D. Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi Institute of Rural Development has established excellent links with PJTSAU, ANGRAU, ICRISAT, Bayer Crop Science, Kaveri seeds, Heritage foods, Nuziveedu Seeds Pvt. Ltd, Sri Ram BioSeeds Pvt. Ltd., etc., through exposure visits for the trainees.

Impressed with the service provided to the rural poor youth Bayer Crop Science, one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies has shown keen interest to establish a Joint Vocational Training Center in Agriculture as a part of the company’s “Learning for Life” initiative and “Child Care Programme”. As a result on August 18, 2007, Dr. H.C. Friedrich Berschauer, Chairman of the board of management, Bayer Crop Science has signed the MOU with Dr. D.Rama Naidu Vignana Jyothi Institute of Rural Development, a historic moment for the institute. Thus Bayer – RVJ School of Agriculture was established in 2007 as Vocational Training Center in Agriculture targeting child labour preferably from cotton seed production areas and rural poor youth in the age group of 15 – 20 years to train them in special skills in agriculture for gainful employment in Agribased industries like seed / fertilizer / pesticide etc., or to take up farming by themselves with confidence.

The unique feature of the training is that the trainees get practical hands on field training in all agricultural operations/technologies by providing them 2 to 3 cents of land each such that they get adequate experience of growing crops from seed to seed. To bring competitive spirit among the trainees three medals with certificates were instituted for the trainees, (1) the best trainee in crop production,(2) the best trainee in performance and (3) the best trainee in attendance.

Initially the duration of the training programme was three months till 2008 (416 trainees in 14 batches). After MOU with Bayer Crop Science it was revised to one year programme during 2008 and 2009 (45 trainees in two batch). Based on the experience and difficulties expressed by the trainees it was again revised into a six months programme from 2010 onwards. The institute is now providing 6 months Vocational Training In Agriculture for two batches/year i.e. July-Dec and Jan-June covering two cropping seasons, Kharif and Rabi, respectively.The trainees are provided with excellent theoretical, practical and hands on field training in the areas of Crop Production, Seed Production, Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Integrated Nutrient Management, Horticulture, Ag. Engineering, Agril.Extension , Computer Skills, Communication Skills etc. with latest technologies in agriculture .The trainees are also exposed to TV Programmes on Agriculture (Annadata & Jaikisan) by keeping as a slot in the Time-Table daily between 6.30 – 7.00 both in the morning & evening.

With the January-June , 2020 batch(20) a total of 1121 trainees have been trained successfully and most of the trainees have got placements in Agribased organizations viz., Kaveri seeds, Nuziveedu seeds, Vikki seeds, Heritage foods, BASF chemicals, Rallis, Bayer Crop Science, Syngenta, private farms etc, while a few have taken up their own farming. It gives immense pleasure to inform that some of the trainees are getting Rs.30,000-50,000 per month (3.5 to 6.0 lakhs/year) in the above agri based industries.

Course Work

S.No Course Title Credit Hours
1 Agronomy - Crop Production 2 (1+1)
2 Seed Technology - Seed Production 2 (1+1)
3 Soil Science - Nutrient Management 2 (1+1)
4 Entomology - Integrated Pest Management 2 (1+1)
5 Plant Pathology - Integrated Disease Management 2 (1+1)
6 Horticulture - Vegetable & Fruit Production 2 (1+1)
7 Ag. Engineering - Farm Machinery, Poly house, Drip Irrigation 2 (1+1)
8 Ag. Economics & Extension 1 (1+0)
9 Communication skills in English 1 (1+0)
10 Introduction to Computers 1 (0+1)
Total Credits 17 (9+8)

Successful Trainees - Case Studies

S.No Name Company Salary per Annum Mobile Number
1 G. Thirupathi Crystal Crop Protection Pvt Ltd. 6.5 lakhs 8498055833
2 G. Santhosh Willowood Crop Science 6.5 lakhs 8978404020
3 N. Saibaba Syngenta India Ltd 3 lakhs 9010731536
4 U. Rajesh Bayer Crop Science 3 lakhs
5 K. Chandra Kumar Dove Agro Sciences 2.8 lakhs 9908284343
6 T. Mahender ICRISAT 2.8 lakhs 9849996510
7 K. Srinivas Srinivasa Hatcheries Limited 2.4 lakhs 9542838871
8 Upender Green Infrastructure 2.4 lakhs 9989693506
9 Venkat Goud Green Infrastructure 2.4 lakhs 9912834338
10 M. Radha Krishna Kedar Agros Pvt Ltd. 2 lakhs 9701907466

Successful Trainees - Own Farming

S.No Name Cultivated Area (Acres) Crops Mobile Number
1 Upender 5 All Vegetables 9989693506
2 Venkat Goud 8 All Vegetables 9912834338
3 I V K Reddy 18 Bengal gram 8500778858
4 P. Raghunath Reddy 25 Chilli, Bengal gram 9618946292
5 P. Suveswarudu 12 Chilli, Bengal gram
6 Thulaseswar Reddy 11 Bengal gram 9703878866
7 B. Sanjeev 12 Paddy,Cotton seed production 9177882722
8 P. Bhasker 4 Paddy 9010006110
9 B. Chandrakanth 12 All Vegetables
10 P. Balakrishna Seed, Fertilizer and Pesticides Business