After 3 years of successful running of 2 year Diploma in Agriculture, Vignana Jyothi has decided to start a two year Diploma in Seed Technology which also helps the rural poor youth in Telangana farming community. Accordingly necessary steps were taken and permission to start the Seed Technology Polytechnic with affiliation to Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University was obtained during August, 2012, with 60 seats. Similar to PAMP, Participatory Seed Production Programme (PSPP), as a part of academic programme for the Diploma has been conducted most effectively for the first seven batches (2012-2018). The institute has received wide appreciation and stood as a model for other polytechnic institutes under PJTSAU in conducting PSPP most effectively.
In the final semester the students have to undergo Seed Industry Attachment for one month . During the last seven years the students were attached to Premier Seed industries like Nuziveedu Seeds, Bayer Crop Science, Kaveri Seeds, Bioseeds and Vibha seeds. The students have to experience the Seed Production, Processing, Labeling, & Marketing. Among the two Seed Technology institutes under PJTSAU, this is the only institute conducting the SIAP successfully by attaching the students to seed industry as part of the curriculum.
The Seed Industry Attachment Programme is found to be mutually beneficial to the students as well as the Seed Industry since the Seed Industries are able judge the students and are offering placements while the students are experiencing all the technology in Seed Industry.
Among the first seven batches 2012-14 to 2018-2020 who have successfully completed their diploma programmes , a total of 333 students have passed out with 283 in I class (85% ) in the two year programme of Diploma in Seed Technology since 2012.
S.No | Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
I year I semester | ||||
1 | DST-101 | Principles of Agronomy | 3 (2+1) | |
2 | DST-102 | Crop Production | 3 (2+1) | |
3 | DST-111 | Botany of Field and Horticultural Crops | 3 (1+2) | |
4 | DST-112 | Basics of cytology, Genetics and Plant Breeding | 3 (2+1) | |
5 | DST-121 | Soil Fertility, Manures and Fertilizers | 3 (2+1) | |
6 | DST-162 | Introduction to Communication Skills in English | 1 (0+1) | |
Total credit hours | 16 (9+7) | |||
I year II semester | ||||
1 | DST-113 | Principles of Seed Production | 3 (2+1) | |
2 | DST-114 | Seed Production of Field and Vegetable crops | 3 (2+1) | |
3 | DST-115 | Seed Legislation and Certification | 3 (2+1) | |
4 | DST-131 | Insect Pests of crops and their Management | 3 (2+1) | |
5 | DST-163 | Introduction to Computerst | 1(0+1) | |
6 | DST-171 | Diseases of Crops and their Management | 3 (2+1) | |
7 | DST-191 | Agricultural Extension and Rural Development | 2 (1+1) | |
Total credit hours | 18 (11+7) | |||
II year I semester | ||||
1 | DST-200 | Participatory Seed Production Management Programme | 9 (0+9) | |
2 | DST-211 | Seed Production of Fruits, Flower & plantation crops | 3 (2+1) | |
3 | DST-212 | Seed Quality Testing | 3 (2+1) | |
4 | DST-213 | Seed Drying and Processing | 3 (2+1) | |
Total credit hours | 18 (6+12) | |||
II year II semester | ||||
1 | DST-200 | Farm Management, Agri.Co-operation and Finance and Marketing | 9 (0+9) | |
2 | DST-214 | Seed Storage | 2 (1+1) | |
3 | DST-215 | Seed Health | 3 (2+1) | |
4 | DST-241 | Agricultural Finance and Seed marketing | 3 (2+1) | |
Total credit hours | 17 (5+12) | |||
Grand Total credit hours | 69 (31+38) |
Among the 333 Diploma holders, in the first seven batches about 75 students have joined in the Department of Agriculture as Agricultural Extenstion Officers, about 30 are prosecuting B.Sc (Ag) degree programme and many have got placements in Agribased industries while a few have taken up own farming. The feedback from the organizations where our trainees / students are working is very much encouraging and all the organizations have expressed that our students / trainees are providing better service compared to the students / trainees from similar other organizations. With regard to the placements of the last batch during the period under report data is not available.